Solidarity Fund
“The free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world.”
- John Steinbeck
You can help make this experience a reality for someone else!
Solidarity Fund
It is our aim and passion to make WCSS accessible for all who need and wish to avail of this type of alternative education where innate abilities are valued and nurtured; enabling youth to flourish; and to be supported in becoming experts in fields of their own choosing.
Therefore it is our aim to provide a Solidarity Fund to aid those families in need.
€4,100 comes close to covering the cost for one student placement for one year.
€2,000 would subsidise a placement in our lowest Membership Dues band for one year.
...but every amount towards our Solidarity Fund helps!
We have our CHY number, but time needs to pass before your donations can be tax deductible. Watch this space!
To read about WCSS and our funding issue you can find a Blog that "fits the bill" here!
If you would like to donate money towards our Solidarity Fund,
please get in touch !
Check out our Sponsor page to donate directly to the Fund
Transfer an anonymous donation referenced(!)
to our bank account:
IE92 BOFI 9026 0240 3907 36
We so appreciate your faith and support!