Research Listing

Find below selected studies, papers, surveys and more on...
the Sudbury model of Education,
the Benefits of Self-directed Learning,
Alternatives in Education,
Sudbury Alumni &
Challenges that Mainstream Schooling can present.
You can find other Research Listings here:
ASDE - The Alliance for Self-Directed Education:
a great resource of books and research on all self-directed education -
Wicklow Sudbury School's Research Section:
gives more detailed information on some of the research outcomes
Sudbury Model of Education
Research Summary - Gray (2017): Self-directed education—unschooling and democratic schooling, In G. Noblit (Ed.), Oxford research encyclopaedia of education. New York: Oxford University Press.
O’Brien (2019): Democratic Education: A viable alternative? Experiences of participating in a Sudbury Model School in Ireland; Thesis presented as part of the requirements for the Higher Diploma in Applied Psychology, University College, Cork.
Valeevaa & Kasimova (2015): Alternative Educational System Sudbury Valley as a Model for Reforming School, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 182, p. 274 – 278.
Igarashi, Acosta & Tenazas (2020): Second-chance education should not be second-class: the Philippines’ Alternative Learning System.
Traxler (2015): The most democratic school of them all: Why the Sudbury model of education should be taken seriously. Schools: Studies in Education, 12, p. 271–296.
Argues that not only is the Sudbury model not a glorified day-care, it is in essence the most democratic, intellectually challenging and rewarding school a child can attend today.
When students are in charge of both the rules and the consequences, they feel they have control over their environment. The system is personally empowering and demands a good deal of self-restraint and sacrifice as students learn to balance their individual needs with the needs of the school community.
Gray, Riley & Curry (2021): Former Students’ Evaluations of Experiences at a Democratic School: Roles of the Democratic Processes, Staff, and the Community of Students, Other Education: The Journal of Educational Alternatives, Vol. 10, Issue 2, p. 4-25.
If there is one major conclusion from our study, it is that former students see the community of students as the primary benefit of attending HVSS. As long-time staff members at other Sudbury schools have pointed out, Sudbury schools offer to students a community of young people who care about one another, support one another, learn from one another, and have unlimited time to interact with one another. This might be especially valuable in today’s world where so much in society pushes young people toward isolation and competition rather than community and collaboration.
Self-directed Learning - Benefits
Morris (2023): Four Dimensions of Self-Directed Learning: A Fundamental Meta-Competence in a Changing World, School of Education, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.
Markant, DuBrow, Davachi & Gureckis (2014): Deconstructing the effect of self-directed study on episodic memory, Mem Cognit. 42(8), p. 1211–1224.
Ribosa & Duran (2022): Do students learn what they teach when generating teaching materials for others? A meta-analysis through the lens of learning by teaching, Educational Research Review, Volume 37.
Barker, Semenov, Michaelson, Provan, Snyder & Munakata (2014): Less-structured time in children’s daily lives predicts self-directed executive functioning. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, p. 1–16.
Bonawitz, Shafto, Gweon, Goodman, Spelke & Schulz (2011): The double-edged sword of pedagogy: Teaching limits children’s spontaneous exploration and discovery. Cognition, 120, p. 322–330.
Gray (2010a): Children teach themselves to read. Freedom to Learn blog, Psychology Today.
Gray (2010b):. Kids learn math easily when they control their own learning. Freedom to Learn blog, Psychology Today.
Gray (2011): The special value of children’s age-mixed play. American Journal of Play, 3, p. 500–522.
Sudbury Alumni
Rietmulder (2015): Circle School Graduates in College, Circle School Blog
Our graduates go to college at high rates: 84% of those who were here for 4 years of high school, and 91% of our “lifers.” Nationwide the rate among same-age peers is 60%. Our graduates also earn more Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees than their peers. And 21% are currently pursuing degrees that aren’t even counted in this study.
Gray & Chanoff (1986): Democratic schooling: What happens to young people who have charge of their own education? American Journal of Education, 94, p. 182–213.
Graduates reported that for higher education and careers, the school benefited them by allowing them to develop their own interests and by fostering such traits as personal responsibility, initiative, curiosity, ability to communicate well with people regardless of status, and continued appreciation and practice of democratic values.
... the graduates who had chosen to go on to higher education reported that they had no particular difficulty getting admitted to the schools of their choice and adapting to the academic requirements. Collectively, they were pursuing the whole range of careers that are valued by our society, but especially careers that require high levels of creativity and self-initiative. They believed that their self-determined education had led to a number of lasting benefits, including a continued passion for learning, a high sense of personal responsibility, and a continued drive to live in self determined ways.
Subsequent follow-up studies, conducted by the school itself, resulted in similar findings:
Greenberg & Sadofsky (1992): Legacy of Trust: Life after the Sudbury Valley School Experience, Sudbury Valley School Press.
Data show that Sudbury students engaged in a wide variety of occupations, including management, teaching, the trades, and the arts; 87 percent of Sudbury students attended postsecondary schools; and 39 percent received college degrees, indicating that Sudbury students enjoy the full range of life choices available to other young people.
Greenberg, Sadofsky & Lempka (2005): The pursuit of happiness: The lives of Sudbury Valley alumni. Framingham, MA: Sudbury Valley School Press.
To hear some voices of Sudbury Alumni go to our Library!
Unschooling has similar principles to the Sudbury model of education:
"Unschooling refers to the educational practice of not sending children to mainstream school or requiring them to do school-like activities at home, but, instead, allowing them to take charge of their own education. Unschoolers generally believe that most learning occurs naturally, in everyday life, and that activities undertaken specifically for learning should be chosen by the learners, not imposed on them." (Gray & Riley, 2015)
Gray & Riley (2013): The challenges and benefits of unschooling according to 232 families who have chosen that route. Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning, 7(14), p. 1-27 (International).
The reported benefits of unschooling were numerous; they included improved learning, better attitudes about learning, and improved psychological and social well-being for the children; and increased closeness, harmony, and freedom for the whole family.
Gray & Riley (2015): Grown unschoolers’ evaluations of their unschooling experiences: Report I on a survey of 75 unschooled adults. Other Education, 4(2), p. 8-32.
A high proportion of them— especially of those in the 'always-unschooled' group — had chosen careers in the creative arts; a high proportion were self-employed entrepreneurs; and a relatively high proportion, especially of the men, were in STEM careers. Most felt that their unschooling benefited them for higher education and careers by promoting their sense of personal responsibility, self-motivation, and desire to learn.
Alternative Schooling
CfBT Education Trust: Achieving successful outcomes through Alternative Education Provision: an international literature review, is an excellent resource of a host of studies and other info:
"What works [in effective AEP] … Key to success is a stable group of caring, knowledgeable and committed staff, supported by ongoing professional development, within a wider ‘safety net’ of links to multiple agencies, partners and community organisations. This enables them to foster relationships based on respect, with careful and thoughtful use of appropriate incentives and rewards, and to cultivate a sense of ‘community’ among students and between students, families and teachers. This in turn ensures that students have the support they need to persevere and make progress, characterised by listening, caring and respectful relationships, with teachers perceived as honest, sensitive and understanding."
Schools are finally teaching what kids need to be successful in life.
Challenges of Mainstream Schooling
Mental Health
40-60% of students are disconnected from mainstream school, which is second only to family disconnectedness in predicting future substance abuse and emotional distress.1,2
Rates of depression and anxiety among young people have been increasing steadily for the past 50 to 70 years. This has been linked to decline in young people's feeling of control over their own lives and corresponding rise of emphasis on extrinsic rather than intrinsic goals.3
Human Rights
Mainstream schools typically disregard several articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, especially Article 12: the child’s views must be considered and taken into account in all matters affecting them.4
At Dáil na nÓg 2017, the 325 delegates of Ireland's Youth Parliament decided that inequality in schools was their most pressing issue.5
A corresponding Comhairle na nÓg survey of 3,242 young people found that less than half of students believed that students have a say in the classroom.6
Ineffective System
The Irish National Teachers' Organisation found that the most common teaching methods - reading and lecturing - are the least effective for retention.7
75% of Irish students say they learn best through active learning, but only 30% said teachers make learning interesting and fun.6
1 in 6 students - 6,200 students per year - drop out of university in their first year. Focus on the leaving cert is a contributing factor to this, since students are learning for the test rather than exploring and developing skills for independent learning.8
1. Anderson (2016): Schools are finally teaching what kids need to be successful in life, Quartz.
2. Strong (2016): Are Public Schools Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness?, flowidealism.medium.com.
3. Gray (2000): The Decline of Play and Rise in Children’s Mental Disorders, Psychology Today.
4. Children's Rights Alliance (2010): The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Booklet (Irish).
5. Delegate Report Dáil na nÓg 2017 & Dáil na nÓg 2017
6. Department of Children and Youth Affairs (2017): So, how was school today? Report of a survey on how young people are taught and how they learn (Ireland). See below for Conclusions of this survey!
7. Approaches to Teaching & Learning, INTO Consultative Conference on Education (Ireland).
8. O'Brien: Irish Times - More than 6,000 students drop out of college in first year (Ireland).
So, how was school today? Report of a survey on how young people are taught and how they learn - Department of Children and Youth Affairs (2017) :
Mainstream students are very dissatisfied with the style of teaching used and with the way compulsory subjects are taught. In order of priority, mainstream students in all years are most dissatisfied with the teaching of mathematics, Irish and English.
There is a mismatch between how teachers teach and how mainstream students feel they learn best. Young people prefer active learning, but only 30% of students think their teachers make learning interesting and fun
Most mainstream students have a lot of stress because of exams.
Exams are the biggest source of stress, along with doing difficult tasks and homework.
Mainstream students think there is too much emphasis on exams.
Mainstream students have little autonomy (self-rule) and control over what happens to them in school:
Only half of mainstream students felt encouraged to give their opinion in class.
Most mainstream students did not feel they could explain themselves without conflict.