It has been over a year since we were called together by Jessica Mason to our local coffee shop to discuss a possible alternative to main stream education...the only thing being...
we'd have to create it. This is how the four of us came together.
We all wanted to be a part of it and to this day we are going stronger than ever with approximately seven months til our opening day.
We are thrilled Kathrin has joined our team (making five) as she is an invaluable member of our core group. Each of us brings such a unique blend of expertise and experience to the table; from main-stream and alternative school projects, to life experience in the healing and arts.
It has been such a monumental journey and continues to be as we grow in strength and
ability as individuals and as a team. We are all learning and doing things we never dreamed
of doing; finding new skills and talents along the way.
We meet every week and communicate sometimes daily, working hard to get this community
space up and running. We all feel passionately about the philosophy and practices behind
Democratic Education and are learning more every day. There is so much research and
academic literature out there regarding Democratic education and the importance of play.
The evidence is overwhelmingly positive. When one looks and investigates the topic it is
hard to argue the facts of the positive outcome on one's overall health and well

The world is changing and we are so excited to be a part of this growing movement of
Democratic schools in Ireland and all over the world. We have been attending conferences with seven other schools and start-up groups in Ireland and each time come away feeling wholly inspired in this new way of working and seeing how this community 'walks the walk and talks
the talk', practicing what they preach.
We are excited to share with you and our communities what we have learned and are
learning. This is not only affecting how we will be setting up the school but how we
operate in our daily lives. This community is about growing and learning together,
creating a better way to communicate and solve problems in our daily lives, and learning how
to be the best versions of ourselves; creating a better environment in our micro
environment towards the macro.
More to come. Watch this space!
by Becky (Rebecca) Firmage